In order to resolve any complaints in a speedy and satisfactory way, parents should follow the following procedure:
Stage 1 – Talk to the teacher
First of all make an appointment to see the class teacher. The class teacher will know your child well and may know the details of any incident about which you may have a concern. Please do not try to see the teacher during the school teaching day when they are taking or preparing lessons. It is hoped you can reach an agreement that satisfies you and the school. If you can not then you can go to stage two.
Stage 2 – Meet the Head Teacher
This can only happen if you have been through Stage One, However we do recognise that some complaints may go straight to the Head Teacher because of the nature or seriousness of them.
The school office will arrange for you to meet with the Head Teacher or another senior member of staff, who will investigate the complaint. The school will then write to you within five working days of the meeting setting out its response. It is hoped that the decision will satisfy you. However if you cannot accept what the school says, then go to Stage Three.
Stage 3 – Go to the Governors
This can only happen if you have been through both stage One and Stage Two. If you feel that your complaint has not been properly dealt with then you should write to the Chair of Governors, Ms B Dalley with details of the complaint, within ten working days of getting the head teacher’s decision. This should be through the school office.
A committee of governors will review your complaint. Afterwards, they will write back telling you their decision. This stage should take no more than 15 working days to complete.